answers to questions
whats your pc specs?
cpu: intel i9-9900k 3.60ghz
gpu: zotac gaming nvidia rtx 2070 super 8gb
ram: x4 16gb 3200 corsair vengeance
motherboard: Gigabyte Z390 AORUS Master
who designed your logo?
my good friend and graphic artist, Sebastian Meehan. AKA .
here's his twitter that he has a lot of his work on. he is super talented! he has made my transition animation for my twitch streams, is a great video editor and amazing logo designer. I will shill him till the end of days
how do you get your character as your camera on stream?
for my character i switch it up all the time. mainly now, i make my character using a free program called . this program allows you to easily and simply make yourself a 3d anime-esq model without any of the strain of normal 3d software.
to track my character, i use another free software called
. vmagicmirror can use your pc camera to track your facial movements and hand movements, it can also be connected to your iphone 10 or newer to use facial motion capture to get more realistic movement for your face. the iphone will be the most expensive part of this setup.